St. Paul Lutheran Church is a Community of Christian Believers.

Built upon Word and Sacrament (God's grace), we are a congregation of the North American Lutheran Church (NALC). We are here as a servant congregation, interested in sharing the Gospel in word and deed. You are invited to be a part of the corporate body of Christ with us.If you do not have a church home, or would like to know more about St. Paul and our ministries, we invite you to contact us and join us for worship.
How to Join
If you are a Lutheran, we simply need to request your Letter of Transfer. If you come from another tradition or have not been baptized, then you will need to attend new member classes. These classes are offered quarterly. Look for an announcement in the Sunday bulletin or call the church office for more information.

Holy Communion
We practice "open" communion. This means the Sacrament of Holy Communion is open to all who have been baptized and who believe in the real presence of Jesus Christ in, under, and through the bread and wine, given for the forgiveness of sin, for life and salvation.