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"All your children shall be taught by the Lord,
and great shall be the peace of your children." 

Isaiah 54:13

St. Paul Lighthouse
Kids First

Join Kids First on Wednesday nights throughout the school year! For children in Kindergarten through 2nd Grade, Kids First meets from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Led by Candace Arvanetes, our Kids First group will play and have fun while learning about our awesome God! We will share our highs and lows for the week, read a short Bible passage or story, and enjoy games, songs, crafts, and videos related to that topic. Thank you for sharing your child with us!

Kids First

Our St. Paul Lighthouse group is for children in 3rd through 6th Grade and meets from 6:00 to 7:00 PM. Led by Angela Hritz, kids in our St. Paul Lighthouse group will enjoy a meal and conversation together each week as well as other exciting activities. We can't wait to see you!

St. Paul Lighthouse

Wednesday nights are Family Nights! Older siblings can enjoy our Youth Group and parents, families, and individuals can enjoy a Wednesday Evening Meal.

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St. Paul Lutheran Church and School

North American Lutheran Church

1407 E John Sims Parkway
Niceville, FL 32578

(850) 678-1298

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